Meditatio Nocturna et Diurna / Evening and Morning Meditation


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Full Transcription

Meditatio nocturna.

Leua eius sub capite [meo]

Meditare quod mortaliter precaueris.

Ignoras quotiens.

Nescis quam grauiter.

Abusus es dei pacientia.

Meditare quod ignoras si feceris dignos fructus penitentie.

Nescis si unus sis confessus et condignam penitenciam susceperis.

Ignor si eam digne feceris in caritate. Haec est non utrum timore pene. uel amore iusticie.

Scis quia de te es insufficiens. et imperfectus. et quia omnis iusticie nostre quasi panus menstruate.

Meditare quod morieris nec ratio.

Quod mortem non uales differre.

Quod uitam non potes de facili prolongare.

Quod nichil de tuis tecum auferes. nisi quod propter deum dedisti.

Meditare quod hora mortis incerta

Nescis ubi morieris.

Nescis qualiter morieris.

Nescis quo iturus sis post mortem.

Meditare quod post mortem non est fructuosa penitentia.

Quod tam peruum pro te facient tui.

Quod tam negligenter.

Quod tam cito obliuiscuntur tui quibus tua reliqueris.

Meditatio diurna.

Dextera eius aplexabitur [me]

Meditare extremum iuditium saluatoris. quando iusti stabunt in magna constantia. et angelos iudicabet.

Ubi impius non potest fugere.

Ubi peccator non potest latere.

Ubi intollerabile est apperere.

Meditare consummatam penam reprobis.

Ubi est ignis. uermis. stridor dentium. fletus. et tenebre. mors sine morte. finis sine fine. defectus sine defectum.

Ubi est odium dei siue eius qui hinc arius habuit deo quia ibi se mutuo uidebunt ad dampnationem.

Ubi non est spes euadendi. nec momentanea pene mitigatio.

Meditare bona que preparauit deus a constitutione mundi bonis. que oculus non uidit etc.

Ubi sunt dotes corporis. Impassibilitas. claritas. agilitas. subtilitas.

Ubi sunt beatitudines anime. cognitio que succedet fideri conprehensio que succedet spei fruitio qua caritas perficitur.

Ubi haec sine intermissione. sine fastidio. sine fine.

Meditare peccata tua. que tam pacienter sustinuit. tam longanimiter te conuerti ; expectauit.

Tot bona ommisisti facere ; que potuisti fecisse.

Tot mala fecisti que non debuisti commisisse.

Tam diu moratus es. abutendo pacientia dei. tam uideres tot iustos affligi tot unius peccatores mori.

Meditare beneficia dei.

Creationis ex uili sperma te. uitam pulchram et nobilem creaturam. in sensibus. in menbris. et uita rationali.

Redempcionis per mortem filii sui. communionis quoque sacramentorum.

Cotidiane sustenta communis. et quia te natum imbescillem .nudus. exultate. donauit uirtutibus. ditauit possessionibus et dignitate sublimi.

Full Translation

Night Meditation.

His left hand beneath my head

Think that you take heed of your mortality.

How often you err.

You do not know how gravely.

You have used up God's patience.

Think that you do not know if you have brought forth fruit worthy of penance (Matthew 3:8).

You do not know if you one of those who has properly confessed, and received very worthy repentance.

You do not know whether you have made your repentance in proper charity; that is, not in fear of punishment, but rather in love of justice.

You know that in yourself you are insufficent and imperfect, and that all our justices [are become] as the rag of a menstruous woman (Isaiah 64:6).

Think that you will die, no question.

That you do not have the power to defer death.

That you are not able to prolong life with ease.

That you can take nothing of yours with you, unless you have given it on account of God.

Think that the hour of death is uncertain.

You do not know where or when you will die.

You do not know how you will die.

You do not know where you will go after death.

Think that penitence produces no fruit after death.

That yours will do so little for you.

That [you have done it] so carelessly.

That very soon the things you leave behind will be forgotten.

Day Meditation.

His right hand will embrace [me]

Think of the last judgement of the saviour, when the just will stand in great harmony, and the angels will condemn.

When the impious cannot flee.

When the sinner cannot hide.

When it is unbearable to appear.

Think of the consummate pain of the reprobate.

Where there is fire, worms, gnashing of teeth, tears, and shadow. Death without dying; end without ending; failure without fail.

Where there is hatred of God, or of that which Arius thought to be God; that there, they will see each other into damnation.

Where there is no hope of escaping, nor momentary lessening of pain.

Think of the good things that God has prepared from the creation of the world, with good things that the eye cannot see, etc.

Where there are gifts of the body: inability to suffer; brightness; agility; fineness.

Where there are blessings of the soul: knowledge which comes after faith, understanding that follows hope, enjoyment where charity is completed.

Where these things are without intermission, without disdain, without end.

Think of your sins, which he so patiently bore, so enduringly he waited for you to be changed.

You have overlooked so many good deeds, which you would have been able to do.

You have done so many bad things, which you should not have committed.

You have tarried so long, using up God's patience; you see so many righteous thrown down, so many sinners die.

Think of God's favours:

Of your creation from worthless seed. [He gave] beautiful life and noble creation, in senses, in limbs, and rational life.

Of redemption through the death of his son. Of communion and the other sacraments.

Of the daily shared support; and because of you he was born helpless, bare; rejoice. He gave virtues, he enriched with possessions and high dignity.