Meditatio Timoris et Amoris / Meditation on Fear and Love


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Full Transcription

Dextra palma deum. debere figurat amari. Leua perorat eum ; semper debere timeri.


Timor deum sanctus permanet.


Deum tuum.

Dominum tuum.

Iudicem tuum.


Quia omnipotens est. In quo deliquisti.

Quia reuerendus est quem contempsisti.

Quia districtissimus est. quem tam frequenter offendisti.


Ut nec respirare audeas in conspectu tante maiestatis. tante iniquitatis conscius.

Ut propter ipsum omnia sustineas tamquam seruus inutilis et indignus.

Ut semper suspectus uiuas tanquam fur iam rapiendus ad tribunal iudicis.


Te ipsum accusando. Iudicando. Puniendo.

Aliis obtemperando. condolendo. et compaciendo.

Presentem uitam contempnendo. Futuram appetendo. Mortem non timendo.


Quam diu delinquis ; et penam mereris.

Quam diu uiuis. et in periculis uersaris.

Quam diu fueris. donec in caritate proficiaris.

Utraque corde tenus. sollertius est retinenta. Litera pollicea ; prius est in utraque legenda.


Amor Dei castus.


Patrem tuum.

Fratrem tuum.

Amicum tuum.


Quia te fecit cum non esses.

Quia te redemit cum perditus esses.

Quia ditauit te cum pauper esses ; diuitiis gratie sue.


Toto corde ipsum solum amplectendo.

Tota anima nichil preter ipsum sapiendo.

Tota uirtute. omnia propter ipsum perficiendo. et equanimiter sustinendo.


Quomodo. In desideriis cordis et deuotione.

In iubilacione laudis et oratione.

In emulatione uirtutum ; et operacione.


Usque in finem.

In fine.

Sine fine.

Full Translation

The right hand shows how God should be loved. The left prays to him, who ought always to be feared.


Holy fear of God endures.


Your God.

Your Lord.

Your Judge.


Because he is omnipotent, against whom you have transgressed.

Because he is awful, whom you have defied.

Because he is most severe, whom you have so frequently offended.

How much?

So that you dare not breathe in the sight of so much majesty, conscious of so much inequality.

So that, with regards to yourself, you endure everything, like a useless and unworthy servant.

So that you live always in apprehension, just as a thief, now snatched away to face the judge's seat.

In what way?

By you accusing, judging, punishing yourself.

By obeying, grieving with, and suffering with others.

By despising the present life, striving for the future one, not fearing death.

How long?

As long as you do wrong, and are deserving of punishment.

As long as you live, and are in the midst of dangers.

As long as you exist, until you are perfected in divine love.

As far as the heart is concerned, it is more skillful to remember both together. The letter has been promised; first they must be read both together.


Chaste love of God.


Your father.

Your brother.

Your friend.


Because he made you when you did not exist.

Because he redeemed you when you were lost.

Because he enriched you when you were poor, with the riches of his grace.

How much?

Embracing him alone with your whole heart.

Tasting/knowing nothing besides him with your whole soul.

With all your virtue, everything being perfected and calmly upheld by means of him.

In what way?

In what way. In the desires of your heart and devotion.

In the joy of praise and prayer.

In the emulation of virtues and works.

How long?

Even until the end.

In the end.

Without end.